Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 Release Notes
This document contains important information about the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 Release.
Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 Release Notes
Installing Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3
New Features in Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3
Internet Explorer 6.0 XAML UI Sample Browser
Internet Explorer 6.0 Tiling Engine
Silverlight for Windows Embedded Xamlperf.exe sample
Silverlight for Windows Embedded
Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) Updates Included in
Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3
Known Issues for Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3
For help installing or uninstalling Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3, double-click the file C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform Builder\6.00\Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 Install Guide.doc.
Important To uninstall Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3, you must completely uninstall Windows Embedded CE 6.0. Before you install this release, you must back up any important data.
Internet Explorer 6.0 XAML UI Sample Browser is a browser designed for Windows CE 6.0 R3–based devices. This browser has an improved, customizable user interface that is based on Silverlight for Windows Embedded and uses the new Internet Explorer 6.0 Tiling Engine.
The catalog item for the XAML UI sample browser is “Internet Explorer 6.0 Sample EXR Browser”.
The Sysgen variable for the XAML-based user interface version of Internet Explorer Embedded is SYSGEN_IESAMPLE_EXR.
Internet Explorer 6.0 Tiling Engine is a new tiling engine for Internet Explorer Embedded. This new tiling engine contains the following features:
· A public tiling engine interface
· Support for touch gestures
· Smooth panning and zooming
· Sample implementations of OpenGL and Direct Draw rendering plug-ins to support hardware acceleration
The catalog item for the new tiling engine is “Internet Explorer 6.0 Tile Engine”.
The Sysgen variable for the new tiling engine is SYSGEN_IE_TILEENGINE.
The Adobe Flash Lite plug-in enables the Internet
Explorer Embedded browser to display content and video created with Adobe
The catalog item for enabling the Flash Lite plug-in for the browser is “Flash Lite Plug In for IE Browser”.
The Sysgen variable for enabling the Flash Lite plug-in for the browser is SYSGEN_IE_FLASHLITE.
The Xamlperf.exe sample application is a sample application that uses Embedded XAML Runtime to display a XAML based animation on the screen, and returns some simple performance metrics about the frame rate of the animation.
You can run the Xamlperf sample application by clicking on any of the three shortcuts on the device desktop.
Source code for the sample application can be found in <WINCEROOT>\Public\Common\Oak\Demos\Xamlperf.
The XAML files can be found under the folder <WINCEROOT>\Public\Common\Oak\Files\Xamlperf.
There is no catalog item for this sample application.
The Sysgen variable for including the Xamlperf sample application is SYSGEN_SAMPLEXAMLPERF.
The gestures feature provides support for gesture interaction on touch-screen devices. The default gesture recognizer recognizes two gestures: pan and flick. You can also write your own gesture recognizer to handle custom gestures. Use SYSGEN_TOUCHGESTURE to enable this feature, or select the catalog item “Single-Touch Gesture Recognition” in Platform Builder.
You can animate gestures in the UI by using the physics engine. Use SYSGEN_PHYSICSENGINE to enable this feature, or select the catalog item “Gesture Animation Support” in Platform Builder.
The catalog item for enabling Win32 controls for automatic gesture handling is “Gesture Support for Win32 Controls”.
The Sysgen variable for enabling Win32 controls for automatic gesture handling is SYSGEN_GESTUREANIMATION.
Connection Manager manages access to data connections and handles interactions between voice and data connections, as well as general packet radio service (GPRS) data connections, wireless LAN (WLAN) connections, Bluetooth DUN connections, and Desktop Pass-through (DTPT).
The catalog item for Connection Manager is “Connection Manager”.
The Sysgen variable for Connection Manager is SYSGEN_CONNMGR.
You can use the Embedded XAML Runtime API to create UI by using XAML and C++.
· The catalog item name in Platform Builder is “Silverlight for Windows Embedded”.
· The Sysgen variable name is SYSGEN_XAML_RUNTIME.
· You can enable flick and pan gestures for all scroll controls if you include the gestures component in your OS design.
· You can enable support for Direct Draw or OpenGL 2.0 hardware acceleration by setting either BSP_XRPLUGIN_DDRAW=1 or BSP_XRPLUGIN_OPENGL=1 in your OS design.
Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 includes a number of QFE updates. To view the list of QFE updates, double-click the file C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform Builder\6.00\Updates installed by Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3.htm.
The documentation for the following Silverlight for Windows Embedded custom user control APIs is incorrect:
Derived, DerivedIID>
Refer to the white paper “Create a User Control in Silverlight for Windows Embedded.doc” in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform Builder\6.00 directory for the proper APIs to use.
You can use the SystemParametersInfo function to adjust system parameters for gesture recognition; however, the GESTUREMETRICS structure that you need to pass to the function is not public. To use this functionality, you must edit the header file <%WINCEROOT%>\Public\Common\Oak\Inc\pwinuser.h and add the following code:
Gesture SPI settings
typedef struct tagGESTUREMETRICS {
UINT cbSize;
DWORD dwTimeout;
DWORD dwDistanceTolerance;
DWORD dwAngularTolerance;
DWORD dwExtraInfo;
Internet Explorer 6.0 XAML UI Sample Browser requires more memory than the non-XAML–based Internet Explorer 6.0 Sample Browser. We recommend that devices running the XAML UI Sample Browser contain at least 256 MB of memory.
The User Agent setting for the XAML UI Sample Browser is set to “Same as Windows XP”. This setting can cause poor performance on some Web pages that have a lot of content. You can change the User Agent setting to “Default (Windows CE)” in the registry if you want the device to request Web pages designed for devices. For more information, see WinInet Registry Settings.
If the Internet Explorer 6.0 Tiling Engine is included in your design, the HTML multiple select control is not supported. Users can only select a single item from a multiple select control. If you need to support the multiple select control, you must implement a list control in Silverlight for Windows Embedded and modify the XAML UI sample browser code.
The input window of the browser is set with the TopMost flag, which hides the input method editor (IME) candidate window, preventing users from using the IME with input windows. You can modify the XAML UI Sample Browser code to remove the TopMost flag from the input window to fix this issue.
Clicking an input box on a Web page causes a full-screen input panel to pop up so the user can enter text. The input panel hides the entire Web page until the user clicks the Done button.
Internet Explorer 6.0 XAML UI Sample Browser does not support non-embedded .swf files on a Web page, and it does not play them.
Internet Explorer Embedded does not support Web pages that contain map features, such as
The browser engine will generate gwes.dll or coredll.dll exceptions when visiting some Web sites.
Closing the browser after viewing some Web sites occasionally results in a data abort exception.
The browser engine has not been tested on the SH4 processor.
The Adobe Flash Lite plug-in for Internet Explorer Embedded is supported on only the x86, ARM, and MIPS II processor platforms.
The Adobe Flash Lite plug-in does not display a progress bar while buffering content from the internet.
If a Web site defines the width and height of a .swf file to be a fixed value that is larger than the device screen resolution, only part of the file will be visible in the browser.
The documentation topic “Silverlight for Windows Embedded Sample Application XamlPerf” incorrectly states that the XAML files are stored on the device in the \windows\xamlperf directory. The XAML files can be found on the device in the \windows directory.
The bounce, bubbles, and carousel shortcuts on the device desktop must be double-clicked to start the application.
Only XAML files that are created with Expression Blend 2 are supported for Silverlight for Windows Embedded. For information about obtaining a copy of Expression Blend 2, see
Silverlight for Windows Embedded does not support hyperlink controls. If you create a ToolTip by using the custom style or template, the text opacity is set to 0; therefore, the text in the tooltip does not display correctly.
Silverlight for Windows Embedded does not support AC3 font compression. You must clear the Sysgen variable SYSGEN_AC3_FONT when using Silverlight for Windows Embedded.
The animation in MouseOver VisualState stops working on a ComboBoxItem after the first time that the mouse hovers over the ComboBoxItem until the ComboBoxItem is selected. The FindName method cannot find named objects inside custom dependency properties or custom attached dependency properties. For example, the ToolTip object inside the TooltipService.Tooltip property cannot be retrieved using FindName. To work around this issue, you can use the explicit setters to find them. For example, you can use the GetAttachedProperty method to find the ToolTip object. For another example, you can use the GetItemContainerStyle to get a named style from the ItemContainerStyle property of a ComboBox.
The SetValue method does not work if the Thumb's width and height are not specified.
If you create a custom style in XAML for a ProgressBar or Slider control and parse that XAML into an object tree, the Slider or ProgressBar's inherited method IXRRangeBase::SetValue works only if you apply the custom style to the Thumb element (which belongs to the ProgressBar or Slider). The style you apply must define the width and height for the Thumb.
The following XAML shows how to apply a custom style to a Thumb element.
<Thumb x:Name="HorizontalThumb" Grid.Column="1"
Style="{StaticResource wmpPBProgressBarIndicator}"
Opacity="0" />.
The OpacityMask property of the IXRUIElement class and its derived objects do not support the IXRImageBrush brush type. You can use IXRGradientBrush instead.
XRTimeSpan does not support the maximum value reported for the equivalent Silver Light structure TimeSpan. XRTimeSpan has been verified to work with values up to 2486 days.
The following international setting files under <%WINCEROOT%>\Public\Cebase no longer contain the SYSGEN variable SYSGEN_AC3_FONT=1.
This change increases the image size and memory usage for images built with these international settings by approximately 4 MB.
To support OpenGL ES hardware acceleration in Silverlight for Windows Embedded, the Board Support Package (BSP) must provide OpenGL ES 2.0 drivers, a simple vertex shader, and a simple fragment shader. Silverlight and the Internet Explorer Tile Engine use these shaders to draw textured rectangles on the screen. You can find sample code for these shaders in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Xamlrenderplugin\OpenGL\Shaders.
The vertex and fragment shaders must be compiled for the platform's graphical processor unit (GPU) and linked into a file named Shaders.dll. Windows Embedded CE does not include a command-line shader compiler. If Windows Embedded CE cannot find the Shaders.dll library for the platform’s GPU, it tries to compile the default shaders at runtime. However, many OpenGL drivers will not support run-time compilation, and compiling the shaders at runtime can result in poor performance. Consult your hardware provider for instructions on compiling shaders for the target GPU.
The documentation for building source code for the Windows Embedded CE test kit is incorrect. Use the following steps instead to build the source code:
Build the source code at
When you build the source
code at %_WINCEROOT%\Private\Test\External, CETK test modules are copied from
%_WINCEROOT%\Others\Wcetk to the project directories of the current Build window.
Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 does not support .PFX files, so you cannot import .PFX files from Windows Server 2008.
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